All you need to know about one person company(OPC) registration

opc registration in delhi

All you need to know about one person company(OPC) registration

An individual person who is supposed to start any business can start business in two ways either Proprietorship or One Person Company (OPC) Registration. Starting business in proprietorship business is an old idea and nowadays it is not popular as it has lots of drawback. Registration of One Person Company (OPC) is one of the best options to start your business in Individual Capacity.

One Person Company (OPC) registration can be done with help of just one person. This person will be owner of business. Such Individual person will be the Director and Shareholder of Company. However one nominee will be required and KYC documents of nominee will also be required to submit while filing One Person Company Registration in Delhi for Applications.

Registration of One Person Company (OPC) is very simple and registration process of OPC can be complete in just 7 days. Registration process for OPC is similar to private limited company however it becomes easy for OPC as documents of only one person is to be provided as Director and Shareholder of OPC.

The key advantage of One Person Company (OPC) registration is that entire profit of OPC will belongs to only one person who is controlling the business. One Person Company (OPC) is not required to conduct annual general meeting which is being required by other Private Limited Companies. Best part of OPC registration is that it has same value like other private limited company but less burden of compliance.

Government fee for OPC registration is same as other private limited company however fee charge by professional for OPC is less as compare to other private limited company. OPC is required to mention OPC in their name so that it can be differentiate with other private limited company.  Like ABC (OPC) Private Limited.

Important characteristics of One Person Company (OPC) Registration:

  • Only Indian Resident can register OPC
  • OPC can be registered with just one director and shareholder
  • OPC cannot run Non-Banking Financial Business
  • Liability of Shareholder is limited however if business was running under proprietorship then there was unlimited liability
  • The compliance requirements are lesser in comparison to the private company

Documents for Share Holder and Director:

  • Permanent Account Number (PAN)
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Utility bill or Bank Statement
  • Photo Graph

Document required for Nominee:

  • PAN Card
  • Aadhaar Card or UIDAI card
  • Utility bill or Bank Statement
  • Relationship with Shareholder

Document required for One Person Company (OPC):

  • Address proof (Rent Agreement or Non Objection Certificate from Landlord)
  • Utility bill of address being used as registered office of

Can an OPC converted into normal Private Limited Company?

Off course, an OPC can be converted into Private limited Company. If any of the following conditions are satisfied then it is essential to convert OPC into private limited company:

  • Turnover in any year exceeds from 2 Crore
  • Paidup share capital exceeds from 50 Lakh

Further OPC can voluntary apply for conversion from OPC to Private Limited Company.

Get our expert advise at GST fever for One person Company (OPC)registration in Delhi. Contact us for more details

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